Hot Weather Guidelines – SC&SBDGA Inc.
The Glasshouse Mountains Golf Zone adopts the policy as directed by the SC&SBDGA.
The Sunshine Coast & South Burnett District golf Association - Hot Weather Guidelines have been adapted from Sports Medicine Australia policies. It should be noted that these are purely guidelines. They should be considered for competitors, caddies, officials and volunteers involved in the game.
The table below is taken from Sports Medicine Australia’s policies.

Strategies for Reducing Risk
Event scheduling
Where possible, golf events should be scheduled to avoid the hottest part of the day. This can be done by conducting competitions in the morning, during the summer months and by considering playing 18 holes rather than 36 holes on those days, subject to event type, field size and venue availability.
Water is considered an adequate fluid option for activities lasting up to one hour. Participants in events or activities exceeding one hour are recommended to use carbohydrate-based sports drinks..
Officials and event organisers should also consider placing cool water at various parts of the golf Course.
These guidelines should be read with other resources available from Sports Medicine Australia which include: All are available for download from
NOTE: The guidance relating to when to suspend or cancel play when operating in accordance with these guidelines is advisory and general in nature and should not be relied upon to meet individual or specific requirements. It is guidance for voluntary application by Clubs.
It is not binding on any person or organisation and has no legal force. This guidance will not cover each and every circumstance nor can it, when adhered to, entirely eliminate the risk or possibility of loss or injury.
Consequently it should be used as a guide only. Whenever using the information contained in these clauses, Clubs should carefully evaluate the risks associated with their Club. These clauses are made available on the express condition that the SC&SBDGA Inc, the authors, consultants and advisors who have assisted in compiling and drafting the guidance are not rendering professional advice to any person or organisation and make no warranties with respect thereto and to the maximum extent permitted by law disclaim all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, damage or liability which may be suffered or incurred by any person as a consequence of reliance upon anything contained in or omitted from this publication.
Dated: 20th February 2017